Massive DickProfil von James

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Profilaufrufe: 378 Aufrufe
Mitglied seit: 26.04.2021
Zuletzt Online: Vor 2 Wochen
Online Zeit (30 Tage): 5 Minute(n)
Online Zeit (Gesamt): 1003 Minute(n)
Prozent: [ Lade Benutzer Rank... ]


Benutzername: James
Name: - Bitte einloggen -
Geschlecht: Männlich
Ort: - Bitte einloggen -
Alter: - Bitte einloggen -
Tokens: 1145


Sexuality: Everyone, really.
Growing or Admirer?: Grower and Admirer
Name of your condition (if applicable): My balls ache almost constantly, save for about 20 minutes after I cum. They were a hefty handful one year ago, and they are larger and heavier now. Even if I get myself off twice in a row, tingling starts soon after, followed by aching...
Are you a Roleplayer?: This isn't a RP profile (it's about me, really), but I am quite open to RP.
About me:: I have Asperger Syndrome, so my apologies if I come across as overly blunt and/or direct. If I cross a line, please let me know that I did and how I did it, and I will do what I can to avoid it in the future.