Big DickProfile of Swelling

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Swelling is Weight Gain.
Swelling is Admirers.


Profile views: 174 Views
Member since: 09/02/2020
Last online: 50 months ago
Online time (30 days): 0 minute(s)
Online time (total): 155 minute(s)
Percent: [ Loading user rank... ]


Username: Swelling
Name: - Please login -
Gender: male
City: - Please login -
Age: - Please login -
Tokens: 170


Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Growing or Admirer?: Gaining weight / inflation
Penis size (if applicable): 7.5 inches by 7 inches thick
Testicle size (if applicable): Golf ball
Total weight: 579
Height: 6’3
Name of your condition (if applicable): Not diagnosed
Interests: Tv, Movies, Video Games, Food, Belly Inflation, Weight Domination
Are you a Roleplayer?: Sometimes
About me:: For the past few years, gaining weight has been extremely easy for me, and it was nearly impossible for me to turn any of the fat away. Over the past 4 years I have gone from 195lbs to over 450lbs while on a consistent healthy diet. Hope to get bigger!