Profile of AdmiringGayLdnBoi

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Profile views: 56 Views
Member since: 12/14/2020
Last online: 49 months ago
Online time (30 days): 0 minute(s)
Online time (total): 11 minute(s)
Percent: [ Loading user rank... ]


Username: AdmiringGayLdnBoi
Name: - Please login -
Gender: male
City: - Please login -
Age: - Please login -
Tokens: 5


Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Gay
Growing or Admirer?: Admirer
Penis size (if applicable): 6" Cut
Testicle size (if applicable): Moderately sized, I'd say?
Height: 6'0"
Interests: Boys, Music, Sleeping, Food, Reading, Anime, Going out for long walks, Contemplating things, and more :]
Are you a Roleplayer?: I can be ;)
About me:: Hi! I'm a 21 year old student living in London, mixed race and gay asf :D I'm also (sadly) a virgin, but I'm eager, curious and always open to explore. Discovering the world of macro/growing guys...have a good day :)